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I cantieri Meyer Werft consegnano a Royal Caribbean International la nuova Ovation of the Seas

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E’ stata consegnata oggi a Bremerhaven, dai cantieri tedeschi Meyer Werft, la nuovissima Ovation of the Seas, nave della flotta americana di Royal Caribbean International.

Terza unità gemella di classe Quantum, anche Ovation è una nave a basso impatto ambientale dotata dei più moderni sistemi di controllo dell’inquinamento denominati Scrubber, oltre che di una idrodinamica ottimizzata, di un sistema di recupero efficiente del calore e di impianti di illuminazione a LED.

Le navi di classe Quantum sono tra le più evolute dell’intero settore e propongono a bordo intrattenimenti all’avanguardia, come ad esempio il simulatore di volo “Ripcord by iFly”, il braccio meccanico “North Star”, punto di osservazione a 90 metri di altezza sul livello del mare; il complesso sportivo “Seaplex”, con autoscontri e pattinaggio a rotelle; il “Two70”, l’area di poppa con una spettacolare vista panoramica a 270 gradi che ospita di notte spettacoli particolarmente suggestivi.

Ovation of the Seas vanta 18 ponti a disposizione degli ospiti, 2.090 cabine in grado di ospitare fino a 4.180 passeggeri ed una stazza lorda di 168.660 tonnellate.

Dopo la consegna avvenuta oggi, Ovation of the Seas salperà domani, 9 aprile, alla volta di Southampton ed il prossimo 3 maggio orienterà la prua verso la Cina, che raggiungerà con una lunga crociera di posizionamento di 52 giorni e che prevede 21 diversi porti di scalo.

I cantieri Meyer Werft consegnano a Royal Caribbean International la nuova Ovation of the Seas 12829110

Ultima modifica di Admin il Sab 09 Apr 2016, 11:09 am - modificato 1 volta.



Ovation of the Seas joins Royal Caribbean's fleet following delivery ceremony

Royal Caribbean took delivery of its 24th cruise ship, Ovation of the Seas, in a ceremony held today in Bremerhaven, Germany. Ovation of the Seas is the third Quantum-class ship in Royal Caribbean's fleet.

Royal Caribbean Chairman Richard Fain took delivery of Ovation of the Seas from Meyer Werft Yard’s Managing Partner Bernard Meyer at the official handover ceremony.

I cantieri Meyer Werft consegnano a Royal Caribbean International la nuova Ovation of the Seas 14601110

“Ovation of the Seas is magnificent,” said Richard. “Our thanks to the Meyer Werft team for their ongoing partnership in designing and building awe-inspiring ships with us.”

“It’s wonderful to welcome Ovation of the Seas to the Royal Caribbean family of ships,” said Michael Bayley, President and CEO, Royal Caribbean International. “We have once again introduced yet another one of the most technologically advanced cruise ships and the very first that has been built for the China market – a market we continue to demonstrate our commitment to expanding. Quantum Class has redefined the status quo, and we are excited for our guests in China and Australia to enjoy their extraordinary vacations onboard this stunner.”

I cantieri Meyer Werft consegnano a Royal Caribbean International la nuova Ovation of the Seas 14601111

Ovation of the Seas will now sail to Southampton, U.K., where the ship will offer a series of short getaways before she sets sail on her 52-night “Global Odyssey” culminating in the arrival to her homeport in Tianjin, China.

She will begin her first homeport sailing season in China from Tianjin in June 2016. Ovation, together with Quantum of the Seas, Mariner of the Seas, Voyager of the Seas and Legend of the Seas, will make up the largest fleet of any cruise line sailing in China.

I cantieri Meyer Werft consegnano a Royal Caribbean International la nuova Ovation of the Seas 12976710

I cantieri Meyer Werft consegnano a Royal Caribbean International la nuova Ovation of the Seas 12961210

I cantieri Meyer Werft consegnano a Royal Caribbean International la nuova Ovation of the Seas 12983410

I cantieri Meyer Werft consegnano a Royal Caribbean International la nuova Ovation of the Seas 12973310

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